The Wayfarer - News & Thoughts
"The wayfarer, perceiving the pathway to truth, was struck with astonishment. "
How Things are Going on our Website
On the eve of my 63rd birthday I had some thoughts. One was that I really hated not working on the site yesterday - my life getting in the way. And that's a good thing. Life always should come first.
But I am proud of the progress here. I work nearly every day on AwaytoTeach. I alternate - one day on World Lit, the next on British Literature. I have been spreading the word about the site on social media. Mainly, Facebook - mainly when people ask for help with a topic - and I think this site will actually help them.
I am not good - nor do I want to be good at self-promotion. I was that way when I taught too. I had a reputation as being incredibly hard. I wasn't. I actually assigned less than most - but the difference was that I quizzed my students to see if they had done it. Mainly, the "it" was the reading.
I can't wait till I have an entire year on this site of lessons. We are at, perhaps, the 6 or 7 week point. When we get a quarter done - it will be better than a birthday. Cheers!
More News and Thoughts
What I Believe (6/8/24)
25 Lessons (5/10/24)
Back We Hope (4/17/24)
The Best Laid Plans (4/4/24)
We Will Always Have Back Then (2/28/24)
The Tolling Bell (2/24/24)
Tell Someone you Love, That you Love Them (2/12/24)
Where are the Snows of Yesteryear? (2/10/24)
The Gate of Ivory and Horn (2/9/24)
Roger & Us (1/31/24)
Once More Into the Breach (1/27/24)
Stephen Booth - The Greatest Literary Critic that Ever Lived (2/10/23)