Grendel 4 - The Dragon and the Shaper - Group/Solo Work Ch 5
"They sense...from time to time...that all they live by is nonsense" [the Dragon]
Grendel Day 4- Group/Solo Work Chapter 5: Another VERY consequential class - coming right on the heals of the big class demonstration of The Shaper. This time - it is there turn. First, by themselves and then in a small group. The toughest group work of the year actually - and I mean that in a very good way.
Lesson Overview
Most of my group works consists of very pointed questions that can be answered a number of ways - but that require specific evidence to prove the answer. This Solo/Group Work is very different. It is very loose - mainly a bunch of quotes - and the students (first alone - then in a group) need to tie everything together. So much critical thinking.
First, as almost always, the students will take a quiz on Chapter 5 (though sometimes in the past I forgoe the days quiz to combine it with Chapter 6 in order to give more time for this in class assignment.
Putting students in groups: VERY IMPORTANT: (see the first page of the handout). You will assign groups today for time's sake. Doing it geographically (where they're sitting) is the easiest). As you assign them to a group give the 3-4 members a Letter (A,B, or C) in equal numbers (if you have 4 in a group double up on one letter. Next look at the second page of the handout. There are a bunch of Boxes - each of which contains quotes. The numbered boxes contain multiple quotes and are labled 1-3. The other boxes are singular quotes, or texts, or poems. The idea is the tie these things together. The numbered boxes contain multiple quotes, but those quotes are organized around a theme. As the handout says - for the first 13 or so minutes - students will cover their handouts (especially their assigned boxes and the nonletter boxes with their notes. It is imperative that they are constantly writing - it can be stream of conciousness if they wish - but they should write constantly. Remind them (this almost always works) that they will get two grades today - The Notes they are taking now and the actual group work (of course this means you have to follow through - if they don't don't have a lot of notes (covering the paper actually) give them a lower grade - for this part, it is effort - not execution (ah - as is so much of my class).
Here are the instructions from the handout (italicized) : Also note in another handout (found in the remote section below)there is a way at the top to group students if the class is remote.
This is a very different kind of group work. You must not only supply the answers but you must supply the FOCUS and/or questions as well. You still also have your reading.
FIRST: Quickly get into your groups (today they must be 3 or 4 people). Then give each person in your group a letter – A, B, or C. If you have four people, double-up on B. You will only have ONE MINUTE to do this. For the next part you are going to work alone. DO NOT PUSH your desks together yet.
You will start your close reading of these quotes as follows –
A: Box 1 to Box 2
B: Box 1 to Box 3
C: Box 2 to Box 3.
If you are working at home by yourself, instead of a group then you must look at all of the boxes during this time (give yourself twenty minutes instead of 12).
During these first 12 minutes: Everyone should look at “Autowreck (we read it together with the other poems before Grendel),” the Batman, Shakespeare, and Arcadia quotes, and the epigraph from Grendel that appears in the middle of your sheet. Time yourself to finish at least your boxes When you go over each of these boxes – consult you notes, your books, and your brain. Write on this sheet – draw arrows between connections, highlight (remember if you highlight – write something down next to it as well), fill this paper with your comments. Each box is centered on a certain theme or idea. If you finish your two boxes, the Shakespeare/Batman quotes, the epigraph & “Autowreck” then look at everything else on this sheet. YOU will turn these sheets with your notes on it as part of your group work.
For the second part of the period you will work with your group (NOW push your desks together) and share what you came up with – write it up in one paper (shortened period – everyone writes), highlighting what your group sees as the biggest connections between the boxes and between all of the boxes taken as a whole. Write as much as you can down – but it must be coherent – it must have a point. Be as specific as possible and write it in paragraph (essay) form as much as you possibly can. If everyone is writing – you don’t have to (and shouldn’t) write the same thing – but DO listen to what others are saying.
Two Hints: HINT 1: Look at the epigraph – then look at the Batman quote – then think about the Dragon says when Grendel tells him that he wants to quit scaring humans. HINT 2: “Autowreck” – make sure you have an understanding of the THESIS (main point) of this poem (don’t forget literal before figurative) Get out your poems – with their notes. Also: Grendel hates men because of their ________s. In Shapiro’s poem – what does the poet say that an “autowreck” does to these ___________s. (cool, eh?) This is just one hint – and should not define your group work.
There are no wrong answers except for those answers that are NOT backed up by the text. Be very specific in your group write up – you‘ve got the quotes right in front of you. Get as much done (as specifically as possible) as you can, staple each of your quote sheets, with your notes and markings on them (with each of your names on them) to your group’s write up of the connections (put your group’s writeup on top – with all your group members and the period in the right hand corner). If everyone is writing (shortened period), you will staple your writeup on top, with your sheet (covered by your notes) below it.
Be sure and try and consider the pictures – and all of their implications – together & apart, and to work up that discussion into your group’s write up.
Remember because there is never enough time - students are told which numbered box to concentrate on - though they are also told that they should try to at least scan all of the unnumbered boxes as well. By doing it this way - when the students get together after their solo note taking (that's what they will do first) they will have an expert for each numbered box within their group. There are (of course) pictures as well. The pictures like the quotes can be linked to quotes, poems, texts, dialogue on the page.
The students begin by taking notes by themselves (after they have taken the quiz - to try and do this without reading Chapter 5 is impossible). Remember, the students were told in an earlier class (and on their bookmarks) to make sure to give enough to read Chapter 5. It is deceptively short - but easily takes twice as long to read as any other chapter that they've read up to this point. As I tell the students in the instructions - the pictures are there to bring even more critical thinking connections into the equation.
You will constantly need to keep (and help the student's keep) track of time. Also - the poem "Autowreck" is in the opening to poems to Grendel - a recent development - and that helps - that poem as well as the Batman/Joker references are key to the group work as well as to understanding Gardner's idea of the Shaper.
Most Recent Handouts & Quizzes (two different quizzes depending on how far the students were asked to read)
The Group Work (The Shaper & The Dragon - Chapter 5): Docx PDF In this particular version there are instructions for the students as well as the actual page with all of the quotes on it.
Reading Quiz Chapter 5: Docx PDF - I hope I've mentioned this before - while the students are working on the Solo/Group Work, it is imperative to grade or at least scan these quizzes. There is generally no way to do this group work without having done the reading.
REMEMBER: Students that did not do the reading almost always should not be allowed to get into a group; however, for this group assignment I do sometimes let them get in a group - because to figure this out on their own - would be nearly impossible. Also - because this work is based primarily on the quotes that are found on the handout - they can still contribute a lot without having done or finished the reading. This might - being a one time thing - inspire them to make sure they do the reading.
Audio Visual Content
Remote Enhancements
Here is a Handout that specifically is aimed at Remote Teaching. It facillitates students working in online groups and in getting into those groups to begin with.
Class Recordings (for registered members)
Grendel - Day 5: Heroes and Monsters - Chapts 5 & 6 Discussion: After going over Chapter 5 with their groups - hopefully seeing the cool connections on their own - next class we will talk about it along with the very funny Chapter 6 where Grendel gets to meet those heroes the Dragon talks about.
Thoughts on the Lesson
I still remember one of my students, Emily, running out of the class after this was over, screaming "My brain hurts so much!" There is really nothing more that I can add to that - she was one of the best I ever had - and she stayed in this class then World Literature and became my editor for the Class Paper Project that senior year. Challenging students - getting them to think - to push themselves, is my primary goal. And I think it not only helps them in English - but in life as well.