Macbeth 5b - Act I Scene 7 Textual Dissection
"I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition."
Macbeth 5b - Act 1 Scene 7 - A Textual Dissection: This really could go with Macbeth 5 (continuation of Act I reading) but I thought it was cool enough to deserve a page of its own. Essentially it is Act 1 Scene 7 covered with a lot of arrows (pointed at specific lines or words of text) that connect to questions about that text. Thankfully, the answers are NOT there - so the students can answer those questions on their own or in a small group (I prefer the small group in this instance). This is perfect if you have a shorter period of time (maybe 30 minutes). It's also great coming after four days of discussing Macbeth - and by removing the teacher (well - kind of - they are my arrows, my questions), a chance to spread their wings a little and intellectually, critical-thinkingly - fly.
Lesson Overview - Vaulting Ambition - Macbeth Act I, Scene 7 close textual reading
(repeating above): This really could go with Macbeth 5 (continuation of Act I reading) but I thought it was cool enough to deserve a page of its own. Essentially it is Act 1 Scene 7 covered with a lot of arrows (pointed at specific lines or words of text) that connect to questions about that text. Thankfully, the answers are NOT there - so the students can answer those questions on their own or in a small group (I prefer the small group in this instance). This is perfect if you have a shorter period of time (maybe 30 minutes). It's also great coming after four days of discussing Macbeth - and by removing the teacher (well - kind of - they are my arrows, my questions), a chance to spread their wings a little and intellectually, critical-thinkingly - fly.
Either as a Group or Individually the instructions are simple. Rather than read Act, Scene 7 in class - choose to do this instead - and for the next class skip to a point after this scene. Tell the students to put their Macbeth Books (or textbooks with Macbeth) away.
Give the students the handout (Scene 7 with my arrows and questions) and they read it aloud until they get to an arrow. When they get to the arrow - they either look at (if alone) or read aloud the question that goes with that piece of text. They can write their answers on a separate sheet of paper - or directly on the handout.
Remind students of what the next reading is and when it is due - and to follow their bookmarks.
The Folger Script for today's reading.
Please note that the Folger Online Edition of Macbeth will have the same corresponding page & line numbers that I reference. Also, the script is available to download from them as a PDF, Microsoft Doc, and with or without line numbers. My students had their own copies (which I strongly recommend) that they could take notes directly in - and which have so many valuable footnotes on the left side of the page. See my handout on Reading Shakespeare in my opening Macbeth Lesson.
Vaulting Ambition - Act I Scene 7 - Close Reading Handout
Please see the above Lesson Overview for instructions. The handout should stand on it's own - and the most that the students should have out is a dictionary (I used to require dictionaries in my class - after a while I had a class set that they could use).
Remote Teaching
This would be a perfect Remote Teaching Lesson - you could make a Google Doc of the handout and the students could then answer the questions directly on it.
The Folger Library has an online edition of the play without the annotations - Shakespeare words (what appears on the right hand page in the paperback edition. It also includes in this online edition the very useful synopses that appear before each scene.
Here is the description from Amazon: "This volume of the Shakespeare Set Free series is written by institute faculty and participants, and includes the latest developments in recent scholarship. It bristles with the energy created by teaching and learning Shakespeare from the text and through active performance, and reflects the experience, wisdom, and wit of real classroom teachers in schools and colleges throughout the United States. "
Macbeth Day 6 - Is the Text I See Before Me - Living Illuminated Text - And In-Class Reading Day 2: We begin the day by going back to the reading aloud of the play (with Act I, scene 7) and then we read (without a quiz) the first scene in Act 2. When we get to the right spot in Scene 2 - the students are put into groups (3 or 4 of them) to perform - to act out, the "Is this a dagger that I see before me?" soliloquy from Act 2, scene 2. There performances are a living Illuminated Text - making Shakespeare's words as clear for the rest of us in the class as possible. They might be one living dagger - or an evil and good Macbeth - torn between what to do - all the while, saying the words from the soliloquy. After the performances we talk about what the words mean - and when all groups are done - we finish reading aloud and discussing Act 2, scene 2.
Macbeth Day 4 - In Class Reading Act 1 through scene 5 , line 34
Thoughts on the Lesson
So now you get a chance to see how the activities that we've done - the three PrePlay Macbeth Activities (especially The Macbeth Circle) were absorbed by the students. What happens in class is really a manifestation of the students using those skills that you've been preparing up to this point (even before Macbeth).