Renaissance - Elizabethan 3 - Dancing the Rufty Tufty

“Fain would I climb, yet fear I to fall.”  Sir Walter Raleigh

“If thy heart fails thee, climb not at all.”  Queen Elizabeth

Dancing the Rufty-Tufty - A Class Led Activity:   In one period - the students teach themselves the Elizabethan Country Dance - the Rufty Tufty.  They then go out into the lunch room and perform it for their peers.  This is a lesson about cooperative learning, confidence, letting-go, taking risks, dancing, music, Elizabethan England and having fun.  

Lesson Overview 

I have probably never taught as powerful a lesson in cooperative learning as I did with the Rufty Tufty Lesson.  I know - that I did absolutely no direct instruction - and no dancing that it was one of the most exhausting lessons of the year.  Exhausting because you, as the teacher, are almost channelling the students' collective confidence.  You are pushing them to believe in themselves - to believe that they can teach themselves this English Country Dance - in 35 minutes or so - and then go out into the Lunchroom, in front of their friends, and perform this new dance.   I probably did it for only 10 years - as time went on I lost the  energy - sadly.  Got tired of other teachers asking me why I didn't just lecture to the kids (which is slightly less worse than what the new teachers were telling me the final few years: "Why do you push your students so hard"?)  But I do know it worked.  I know the students had a blast - and it stuck with them for the rest of year and beyond.

What's the point of the lesson: Well learning about the Renaissance is all well and good - but I wanted to give them something that went beyond that.  That gave them the feeling of rebirth - excitement - of pushing the boundaries of what was known.  What better way than learning a new dance?  How do you do it?  Here are the steps...(maybe a pun intended).

Entering Class

Have the class desks pushed to one side of the room and stacked to maximize dance practice space. As students enter the classroom, hand them - in the right order (you just need to have them stacked in the right order) a ticket that tells them if they are a Lord or Lady and which group they belong to.  If you have them stacked in order - this will take care of the grouping and it will ensure there are 4 people in each group (which is what you need for the dance).  See the Rufty Tufty Tickets handout below.  The other two  wonderful thing this accomplishes is to make sure you have enough or the right dancing position (Lord/Lady) in each group and allows students to not worry about being gender identified.  Also give each person a Rufty Tufty Instruction Handout , and each group gets ONE Playford Dance Instruction Handout.  You could have these positioned around the room to save time.

The Two Handout - Directions

There are two handouts - A. The Rufty Instruction Handout (each student has one) AND B. The Playford Instruction Handout.  Here's were Critical Thinking comes in.   Handout A (Rufty Tufty Instructions) refers to general instructions found in Handout B (The Playford Instructions).  Tell students to give B. Playford Instructions to the member with the most dance experience - or to anyone they think fit.  Tell them they have 5 minutes to look over the directions (from both handouts).  In 5 minutes you will play the Rufty Tufty for them to give it a try.


Rufty Tufty Tickets

Lord/Lady Group # Tickets   Docx     PDF

to give out as students enter the room (this will get them to the right group and dance postition).  Remember - have them stacked in the right order, ie Lord Group 1, Lady Group 1, Lord Group 1, Lady Group 1, Lord Group 2, etc...

A. Rufty Tufty Dancing Instructions

Docx     PDF     Though these instructions do have some of the General Instructions found in Document B - those instructions go into greater detail.  That said - all the instructions that are needed can be found here.

B. Playford General Dancing Instructions

Docx     PDF     Only one set of these per group - these instructions explain some of the moves that are used in the Rufty Tufty in Great Detail - there is also an alternately worded (but same instructions) details for the Rufty Tufty.


Audio Recordings of the song (Rufty Tufty)


Video of a group performing The Rufty Tufty

This video follows the directions the students have and the first time you play it there will be a lot of ah - ha - that's what they mean moments.

Class Recordings (for registered members)



What's Next & Unit Home Page

Wyatt & Howard - the birth of Modern Poetry A VERY, VERY, VERY important lesson - for so many reasons.  First, these are the  first texts (other than the modern ancillary texts like Grendel) that are written in (early) Modern English.  They do not need to be translated.   We can talk about the words - their relationship to each other, Stephen Booth moments (more on that in a later lesson), and the students can read these poems, pretty much, as they were written.  Another very important reason this lesson is so important has to do with what some of these poems are saying - ideas like "we distract ourselves to not think about the serious things" and the idea of resilience (if you fall you can get up again, stronger). 


  Did Women Have a Renaissance?  Group Work

Thoughts on the Lesson 

For ten years we did the Rufty Tufty - and for ten years it was one of the most thrilling days of the year for me.  However, it was also the time that I started to realize how easy it is to get discouraged as a teacher - to turn lessons aside, simply because it is a lot easier to not do it...   I am so glad we had those ten years!